Golden Times Residence - From the Idea to the First Guests

Every beginning is difficult, especially if it is the first time. But nothing is impossible if you put all your attention and heart, dedicate all your efforts and resources to achieve the unattainable.

To turn the already abandoned building above the city of Gabrovo into a home for elderly people from all over the country and abroad four years ago sounded almost crazy to many with its large scale and unconventionality. However, we were convinced that there is a lack of quality similar service on the territory of our country. So we took the long and difficult road.

We started planning. In order to be able to set up the residence in a way comparable to other European countries where social policy and similar services are far more developed, we went on a short trip visiting some of the best nursing homes in Germany, Austria and Finland. There we learned a lot about the device, needs and recommendations of the residents of such housing.

We went through a long process of planning the remodeling of the building and designing various options to be as comfortable as possible for our guests and staff. After seeing the first computer-generated images of the building, we began to truly believe that we were headed in the right direction. There we saw peace, security and a quality unmatched until now.

It took us about three years to renovate the building. Absolutely all elements of the building were renewed - roof, plumbing and electrical installations, heating systems. We have remodeled some of the floors so that every available square meter can be utilized. Quality control was present at each stage of the renovation, so that today we can already stand for our creation and proudly say that it is our work. Similar analogues cannot be found in the surrounding area, and in the country they can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

Of course, a single building was not enough to create a real home for the elderly, meeting all the standards and good practices we had seen in other European countries. A cohesive team of motivated, responsible and expert people is needed to take care of our residents. That's why we started to form our team a year before we finished the renovation. In one of the following posts, we will introduce you to the heart of the "Golden Times" residence - the people who take care of you or your parents.

And while we've come a long way, we're aware that the challenges lie ahead and we're eager to welcome our first residents so we can really show them what we're capable of.

Take care of your parents like they did for you.

Call us to get all the information you need about our services.

+359 89 79 49 777

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